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British Made

We believe that our customers care just as deeply as we do about the provenance of what they choose to buy and we design and produce our Seddon and Davison range of ceramics, homewares and stationery here in the United Kingdom.

We decided from the outset though that that our company needed to play its part in re-invigorating design and manufacturing skills in Great Britain; something we both feel strongly about and continue to support.

Once we have a design ready, we work with British companies who help us to produce small runs of our products and finish them by hand for us.

We have also been keen to start promoting and selling other British made brands both online and in our shop. We are delighted to stock St. Eval candles, Siabann organic beauty products, Grace and Blume organic soaps, Sandwick Bay 100% soy wax candles and hand made wax melts from The Candle Brand family.

Kara and Mark