Hare Portrait - Colour


A beautiful, eye catching image of one of our (and lots of others) most favourite countryside animals - a portrait of a British hare in colour. 

All of our prints are available in a variety of mediums and sizes - please see price list for all available options.

Prints - All of our prints are produced on Hahnemuhle Fine Art 308gsm Photo Rag Paper - a white, 100% cotton paper with a smooth surface texture - with guaranteed archival standards an meeting the highest industry standards regarding density, colour gamut, colour graduation and image sharpness.  Each print is digitally signed by Mark Davison.

Mounted Prints - a conservation soft white minuet window mount hinge taped to an an acid free backing board, and provided in a cellophane wrap. For A4 prints our mount are cut with an outside size of 16 x 12 inches. For our A3 prints our mounts are cut with an outside size of 20 x 16 inches. For all other sizes a 2 inch soft white minuet mount is used. Please contact us before ordering if you require a different size mount or colour.

Framed Prints - our standard framed prints are provided in a black 20mm frame with soft white minuet mount.  If you require  a different type of frame or colour of mount please contact us before ordering so that we can provide you with options and a quote.

Canvas Prints - These are printed on Hahnemühle's superb Art Canvas Smooth and stretched on to a quality 40mm wooden stretcher frame to create a ready to hang work of art. For this image the sides of the canvas will be black. We can also provide your canvas in a frame. Please contact us for more details.


Please note that delivery times for prints differ from our other products as everything is printed, mounted and framed to order.  Prints take approximately 5-7 days to deliver to the UK mainland, and mounted, framed and canvas prints may take between two to three weeks. We will advise you on confirmation of your order.